Cheeseheads and Cowboys Hats

In the life of a sports fan, there are only a few big games as big as the as the one taking place on the field of the “old” Texas Stadium tonight at 7pm. It has been since 1995 that there has been such a meaningful, highly anticipated game that will decide so much as the Cowboys vs. Packers game will be tonight.

I was 25 the last time these two met for the right to play the 49ers in the NFC Championship. In less than 2 years I will be 40. That says it all.

It will be the Farve/Romo show tonight. Role Model vs. Idolizor.

What a game it will be…

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!

I know, you are saying it just like we are!

“Are the holidays really already here?!?!?”

Well, they are, so before you go stand in line for that 6am deal on Friday morning, make sure and relax some this week, eat a ton, watch the Cowboys go to 10-1 and THANK GOD you are an American!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Philly is One Bad Place

Last week I ran up to Philadelphia to train some people in our customer service department and then to attend the Dallas Cowboys game there Sunday night. Philly is a neat city, but man are the people rough!

For a clip of the fans and their rudeness at the Cowboys game click the link to our website to the right and go to the videos section. Be warned. It is not nice….

We kicked their butts anyway!