Happy Korean New Years 2009!

Korean New Year (Seollal) starts today and runs the next three days! This is our first time celebrating this annual tradition with our son Quinn! We are excited and plan to honor this time, along with Julie’s birthday this week by enjoying some Korean BBQ in Dallas!

This is the Year of the Ox!

Read what people in Seoul are doing this year to celebrate.

For more read here:

Big Girls Beds Rule the Day

Start with a little bit of pink paint, add a dash of leopard spots, some new sheets, 2 twin beds, and a twist in the arrangement of the furniture and you have a new phase.

Transition from toddler beds to big girls beds complete.
Our girls are no longer babies. Sniff, sniff.

This weekend marked the end of a phase and the start of a new one as we spent the weekend transforming their room into the “pinkvilla” it now is. They will always be daddy’s babies, but in reality, my babies are now little girls sleeping their own “grown up” beds tonight.

Where is the pause button?

History Has Been Made – Change is Coming

Today history will be made.

No matter how you voted in 2008, today America takes a big step by inaugurating Barack Obama as the first African-American as President.

At 12:00 pm EST America will begin to change.

The problem is, the change coming does not look good. Look for an increase in taxes, spending, weaker defense, more acceptance of homosexuality, less moral accountability, rampant liberal agendas, liberal Judges, corrupt government officials and certainly more abortions. Sunday was “Sanctity of Life” day, yet starting today it is likely this administration will allow even more than the 1.3 million that already occur each year in this nation.

Tonight there will be a party in the streets of Washington that will make MTV look tame. Maybe Brooke and Wild On E! will show up…

In the 3 months since he became President-elect we have heard nothing but controversy already. Everyone he knows seems to have some kind of track record – corruption, fraud, socialistic ties, non-tax payers, immorality, strong liberal agendas, terrorists, racist pastors, you name it. Everyone this man seems tied to is questionable.

If he were a conservative candidate, he would have been run out of town for having even just a few of these connections. But he wasn’t. Obama is lovable, gives good speeches, says all the right things, spent nearly 1 billion for adds, promises the world, and stands for nothing but everything so all people will like him. And people have emotionally fallen for it hook-line-and-sinker.

He has the celebrities, most of the media and even support from over 40% of those that call themselves Christians.

I am not trying to be a doomsayer. God is still in control even of Obama. But truth is God may very well allow us to lie in the bed we made by voting this man into office. Sometimes God does just that.

Heaven help us.

It is time we strive that conservative, Christian values are not lost forever. We must watch this administration like a hawk, prepare now for 2012 and pray like never before..


If You Did Not See This…HOLY COW!!!!!

You thought Evil Knievil was crazy…..you haven’t seen nothin’ yet.

If you have been to Vegas and seen the “Paris” hotel, you will recognize what this daredevil cyclist does in this out-of-your-mind stunt. He uses a small ramp to propel his way to the small top of the Arc de Triomphe replica and then free-fall drops off of it onto an even smaller landing ramp!!!! You gotta see this.


Open Arms for Another New Year

Welcome to 2009. It’s a new year. All things start over, right?

For us a new tradition might have been born as we ventured out with the three children and watched the New Years Day Parade in downtown Dallas this afternoon. It was a great way to have some fun family time to start the new year off!

Some say 2008 was a year we want to put behind us and for the many I certainly understand why. For us it was one of the best years ever. We adopted a son, paid off some debts, got a few new cars, found a new church home, made some new friends and my business really did well.

I can only hope and pray 2009 is even better. We have our goals set and as usual they are many. Let’s hope we can achieve a few at least.
Cheers to 2009 being the best year yet!